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Playing "what-if" games with science.
Planet and Moon

Remnant in the Stars

Two hundred years ago, the Aolanian home world exploded and a remnant of survivors escaped. As their convoy combed the galaxy looking for a new world to colonize, they discovered Earth and were given permission to establish a temporary base while they continued their search for a new home world.

Game Lit

It's all a game ... or is it?
Abstract Background

Animal Eye

In Animal Eye, the newest AI-controlled VR-RPG from Horizon Systems, Khin May and Jake sign on as testers for a game that lets them play as animal companions to human NPCs. In a world that seems Renaissance-era, with swords and muskets, strange beasts lurk in the wilderness, pressing their attacks harder into civilized lands, laughing maniacs that can’t be killed by ordinary means.


Adventures in Low-Tech

Lines Of Succession


A princess, who would rather practice with her rapier or train her griffin, serves as her brother's regent after assassins kill or injure most of their family.


All site contents unless otherwise noted Copyright 2021 Cindy Koepp

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